Indian History

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Historical Facts of Bhaaratiya Astronomy

Indian History Teachers


Dr. Raj Vedam

Dr. Raj Vedam has obtained his master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, and his doctoral degree in Electrical Engineering from Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA. He has to his credit over 26 years of experience in Power, Electronic Design Automation, and Oil and Gas industries. Dr. Raj Vedam has for long researched the roots of our modern mathematics, sciences and technologies. His quest has led him to study the narratives of civilization of Greeks, Chinese, Arabs, Egyptians, and the present-day narratives of the lost civilizations of the Sumerians, Hittites, Mittanis, Assyrians, and Babylonians, where the history of mathematics and science is invariably drawn from. Upon investigating the claims made for these civilizations and a comparative study of the ancient Indian civilization, using tools of genetics, astronomical observations encoded in Indian texts, geological and archaeological records, and evidence of knowledge transfers from ancient India, Dr. Raj Vedam has put forward a strong thesis with verifiable facts, regarding the antiquity of the Indian civilization, and the many discoveries made by the ancients. Supporting evidence is presented from published scientific literature in several fields.